Record Store Day 2021 Picks - Nate

Record Store Day 2021 is happening on July 17th, 2021 so we are sharing our favourite vinyl records this week to celebrate.

Nate’s Picks

What is special about vinyl records to you?

I think the whole package is what makes it special. The artist will throw in extra work like prints, lyric sheets and so on. I love it when they do that, it’s like I’m receiving the artists full vision of their record.

What is the most embarrassing record in your collection – that you bought yourself, not one you got as a gift. 

I bought a Stars record at HMV once only because the cover looked extremely similar to Explosions in the Sky’s popular record “The earth is not a cold dead place”. I never really listened to the Stars record but I just had to be sure they were ripping off someone else’s cover art.

Do you have any complete discographies? 

Not anymore. I guess it’s all on Spotify and Apple now right?

How is your record collection organized? Alphabetical/genres/chaos. 

Alphabetical first priority, release date second priority. 

The aliens are coming, and you can give them one album, what one? 

It is what it is - Thundercat

Which audio format is your preferred ?

Definitely vinyl. I love hearing all the weird cracks and pops when I use my turntable, it sort of reminds me that imperfection surrounds us 24/7 

Is there a record you get especially melancholy by, that reminds you of a certain period of your life?

The Pedro the Lion album “it’s hard to find a friend” really puts me in a mood. If I ever need time to reflect, this is usually my go to. 

Which record did you buy last, and which one are you aiming for to be the next?

The last record I bought was The Avalanche by Owen. Next I want to buy the newest Alex G record, House of Sugar

Our debut album Tell Your Friends You Love Them comes out October 1st, 2021.

Limited edition vinyl is available to pre-order now on our store


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